The key to SUCCESS... is to have COURAGE to win.
By Oswaldo Koch

Without Courage, Who Can Succeed?

The ability to make decisions and act boldly in the face of adversity is the key to personal success. Most people are mystified and perplexed by what seems to be some strange, complex and elusive secret that must be found if ever success is to be enjoyed. Peter Drucker says, “Whenever you see a great business success, someone once took a big chance.” The key to success is to have the courage to win and to follow Best Practices.

It is a challenge to succeed. If it were not, I am sure more people would be successful, but for every person who is enjoying the fruit from the tree of success, many more are taking too much time examining the roots instead of taking action. In the pursuit of the life they dream of, the focus of most of their time and energy is usually on figuring out what it is exactly that they want. Looking for a golden opportunity and the best time, most people spend too much time examining the roots trying to find an easy shortcut to get more of what they want.

While most people spend most of their lives struggling to earn a living, a much smaller number seem to have everything going their way. Instead of just earning a living, the smaller group is busily engaged in designing and enjoying a fortune. Following Best Practices, everything just seems to work out for them. By developing courage, you have the power and the opportunity to change your life. You can make anything you want of it. At any time you can decide to alter the course of your life. You can do what you want to do and be who you want to be.

Do not be afraid to take the steps you need to take to make those positive changes in your life. If you want to be successful you must take action today. Make a habit of confronting your fears. If there is anything in your life that causes you anxiety, treat it as a personal challenge and resolve to deal with it. If you have the courage to confront your fears, you have the courage to succeed. It's not difficult, it just takes some effort.

Have courage to win! Resolve today to move out of your comfort zone, whatever it is. Great personal success comes from taking risks, from going boldly where no one has ever gone before. To this end, in the design of our coaching program, The Core Challenge, we have studied industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all had in common that contributed to their success. The traits they all had in common are not "Secrets", they are "Best Practices." You will notice throughout the 100 days of The Core Challenge that what you may be lacking in is the courage to take action becase of insuficient knowledge of Best Practices.

Each day in the next 100 days you have the opportunity for you to learn and follow Best Practices that will help you come to know how you can have, be, or do anything you want. During The Core Challenge, you will follow an action plan that will make you feel successful. If you actually feel successful, if you have a deep inner conviction that you will always have all that you need, it will be so. You will come to know who you really are.

Remember, no matter how well you plan, your life will be a continuous succession of problems, difficulties, disappointments, setbacks, and obstacles that can easily discourage you and cause you to lose heart. The key is to have the courage to feel and act like a leader. The leader does not complain, make excuses, or wish that somehow things could be easier or different. Every great success is preceded by many failures. It is the lessons you learn from these failures and your courage to rise above challenges that make your success possible in the long run.

Henry Ford once said, “Failure is merely an opportunity to more intelligently begin again.”

Live a Fit and Prosperous Life!

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