Techniques to hardness the powers of your mind


MasterQuotes is designed to help you develop the courage, the determination, and the willpower to become the person you believe you were meant to be.

It is not just the championship athlete that aspires to push their limits and become great, but everyone who strives to excel on their own terms. Parents, teachers and coaches want their children and students to reach their full potential. CEO, managers and entrepreneur want to create a culture that inspires excellence, passion, and innovation. Artist and writers want to create a true work of art that moves everyone who comes in contact with it.

MasterQuotes is for people how set and realize personal goals and in the process achieve their own defining moment of greatness.
But don't believe us, listen to what our readers think.

What People Say About MasterQuotes

Dear Oswaldo, you exude positivity and are a personal testament in striving to overcome adversity. You now teach that to others, and enrich many, many lives of people who have yet to learn of you. And yet, every action causes a ripple and that ripple will keep on going until it meets an immovable object. At which point it gets absorbed. So your positive energy still has a transmutable effect on even the most stubborn of people.

I have heard many times, leave this world a better place than you found it. You can look in the mirror and know that to be true, I think no matter what, you can feel proud and know you are successful in your own right.

It is important to acknowledge people for what they do, you make a difference, you are rare, you exude light and positivity. So I am honoured to be able to share a simple act of kindness back to you as you do with so many others.

As always, have fun,


Bravo Oswaldo!

This is by far the best Newsletter I have read over the years. I am forwarding this to my sisters who hopefully will forward it to their friends and their families.




Hi Oswaldo,

I really like your emails that you send out. They are not product focused. They are focused on motivating people to make a change in their life which your services can help them with.


Dream high... Be totally determined!

Thank you for this powerful Newsletter. I am trying my best to stay focus. It’s a bit tricky because my schedule is so scattered, but I am doing the best I can following the advice and tips from MasterQuotes.

Thanks Oswaldo.


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